Coming up

Labyrinth 2_October 2018

Morgana, I am the odor – Picture from the dance-theater performance with scent installation  The Labyrinth,  Frankfurt 2018. (Concept: Ruben Wielsch, Antagon TheaterAktion).

Lo so gli aggiornamenti qui languiscono, ma ci sono buone ragioni di cui presto vi renderò partecipi. Progetti vecchi e nuovi che crescono, si mescolano, evolvono, si trasformano, inzuppati nelle mie solite faccende di vita – scienza, danza, odori, curiosità, e il solito processo trasformativo di eccitazione, frustrazione, impazienza, sorpresa, delusione, ancora sorpresa, risate (tante), scoperte, contrarre, rilassare, vivere – non so ancora come andrà, ma odora di buono.

Stay tuned…


It has been a busy time, my updates here languish, but with good reasons I will share soon. Working on several projects, which are now growing, seeds germinating, little plants growing  I am down the process of happy production: studying, writing, dancing and smelling with excitation, a little of impatience, surprise, delusion, surprise again, laughs (a lot), words messing up, thoughts messing up, release, scent and movement, just life – not sure what comes next, but it smells good.

Stay tuned…

By the way next weekend (Saturday, May 4th) I will be presenting at the Experimental Scent Summit organized by The Institute of Art and Olfaction and artist Klara Ravat one of my latest work-in-progress-germinating project.

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